Palazzo ex Borsa Merci

Located on the western side of Piazza della Libertà, the Palazzo della Borsa Merci was inaugurated on 31 October, 1953.

The building, which has a unified exterior and was designed by the architect Marcello Piacentini, is internally split in two halves, with the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro and the Cassa di Risparmio on the one side (looking towards Viale Vittorio Emanuele) and the Borsa Merci on the other (looking towards Piazza Libertà). This layout was designed by the architect Sandro Angelini.

The construction of the Palazzo della Borsa Merci was the answer to a widely criticised lack of suitable market and trading spaces, and was equipped with appropriate facilities and services for exhibitions and conferences. On the first floor – detached from the so-called “gallery of the artisans”, which is embellished by a bronze work by Elia Ajolfi illustrating the agricultural activities of the Bergamo area – there is the large hall decorated with a glass mosaic featuring farming scenes, created by the painters Erminio Maffioletti and Domenico Rossi. A mobile wall separates this space from the adjacent Sala del Consiglio (council chamber), on the back wall of which there is a bronze panel by the sculptor Costante Coter depicting the old commercial activities of the area.